Methods for transferring credits outside Virginia are outlined below. Virginia CLE® charges a $35 administrative fee to process out-of-state credits for you. If you are attending a live on site seminar, please complete the Out-of-State Credit Transfer form at registration and pay the $35 fee to the site coordinator.

If you would like to transfer credits to another state for a webcast, telephone, or on demand seminar, or have any other questions regarding out-of-state credit requirements, please contact Kelly Spruill at, or call (800) 979-8253, ext. 146.

MCLE rules vary by state. Please be sure to consult the regulations for each state before assuming that the credits will be approved.



12 hours per calendar year (6 must be in-person or livestreamed ASB-approved programs). Reporting date: December 31. Programs cannot be approved more than 60 days past the end of the year in which they were taken. Due to increased provider fees (an extra $50 is required), Virginia CLE will only process credit applications upon request; however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Alabama accepts only programs where an instructor is available for questions. Live and phone seminars should qualify, but the majority of Virginia CLE’s video seminars will not.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Kim Oliver Ward, Director of CLE
Alabama State Bar
415 Dexter Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: 334/269-1515


12 hours per year including 1 hour of ethics.  Reporting date:  February 1 is the deadline.  Credit is given for live, video, and phone programs. Virginia CLE qualifies as an approved provider (Virginia CLE programs are Apre-approved@).

MCLE Administrator:  Ms. Barbara Armstrong, Assistant Director/CLE Director
Alaska Bar Association
840 K Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone:  907/263-7469
Fax:  907/272-2932


15 hours per year including 3 hours ethics. Reporting date: September 15. Arizona does not approve or accredit MCLE programs; attorneys are expected to determine whether or not a course qualifies for credit according to the MCLE Rule. Live programs will qualify for regular credit; video and phone seminars will qualify for self-study credit. No more than 5 hours of self-study may be earned in any reporting period. A certificate of attendance is required and can be obtained from the Virginia CLE office.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Marnie Leinberger, MCLE/BLS Administrator
State Bar of Arizona
4201 N. 24th Street
Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016-6266
Phone: 602/252-4804
Fax: 602/416-7527


12 hours per year including 1 hour ethics. Reporting date: June 30. Arkansas requires an instructor or qualified moderator to be present on site and available for questions, so live seminars should be accepted, but video and telephone programs will not.

MCLE Administrator: Mr. R. Christopher Thomas, Secretary Arkansas CLE Board
Supreme Court of Arkansas
120 Justice Building
625 Marshall, Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501/374-1855
Fax: 501/374-1853


25 hours per 3-year period including 4 hours legal ethics, 1 hour detection / prevention of substance abuse, and elimination of bias. Reporting date: February 1. California considers Virginia an approved jurisdiction for CLE; all Virginia CLE courses can be claimed for credit by California attorneys. Live, video, and phone seminars qualify for accreditation (though video and phone may only qualify as self-study). No more than 12.5 hours can be earned through self-study. California’s approved jurisdiction policy only applies if an attorney is physically outside of California when attending the education activity. If the member was outside California when the activity occurred, s/he could count the activity for California credit. If the attorney is inside California, the course must be approved for credit by California.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Dina DiLoreto, Senior Administrative Supervisor, Office of Certification
The State Bar of California
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415/538-2121
Fax: 415/538-2180


45 hours per three-year period including 7 hours ethics. Reporting date: December 31 of 3rd year.    Colorado is a self-reporting state. Most lawyers complete their MCLE requirements by attending live CLE programs or on-demand pre-recorded programs that have been accredited by our Office. If you attend a CLE program or complete an on-demand CLE program, the sponsor of that program WILL NOT report your attendance or the completion of an on-demand program to our Office. You must certify and submit notice of your attendance to a CLE program or completion of an on-demand program to your online transcript at The easiest way to report your attendance at a program or completion of an on-demand program is to have the Colorado Program ID before you begin entry. All providers should be able to give you the program ID issued by our Office when the program was accredited.

MCLE Administrator: Ralf L. Carr Judicial Center
Colorado Supreme Court Office of CLE
1300 Broadway, Suite 510
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-928-7771


Attorneys self-report their credits.


24 hours per 2-year period including 4 hours Enhanced Ethics. Reporting date: December 31 every 2nd year.  Because of increased provider fees, credit applications can be processed by Virginia CLE  for an extra $25, however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Live seminars qualify for credit; phone and video seminars may qualify as self-study credit (approval for self-study courses is currently tentative). Delaware does not give credit for audiotapes, so some phone seminars may not receive credit. Phone and video seminars must be pre-approved. Only sponsors can file for self-study credit for a course. Self-study credit is limited to half of the required hours.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Margot R. Millar, Executive Director
Commission on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of Delaware
The Renaissance Centre
405 N. King Street, Suite 420
Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone: 302/651-3941
Fax: 302/577-7037


30 hours per 3-year period including 5 hours ethics, professionalism, substance abuse and/or mental illness awareness. Reporting date: assigned month every 3 years.   Credit applications can be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $250 is required for accreditation after the course); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Live, phone, and video seminars are accepted, though video and phone seminars are approved no more than 18 months after the original taping date.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Michelle Francis, BSCR Specialist, Legal Specialization and Education
The Florida Bar
650 Apalachee Pkwy
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
Phone: 850/561-5842
Fax: 850/561-5660


12 hours per year including 1 hour ethics and 1 hour professionalism. Reporting date: January 31. Only live programs are approved.  Online courses are accepted for self-study credit.  Video seminars accepted as self-study.  Trial attorneys must attend an additional 3 hours of CLE in trial practice. New attorneys must attend ICLE’s Bridge the Gap program and 6 additional hours of CLE.

MCLE Administrator: Mr. Cliff Brashier, Executive Director State Bar of Georgia
Ms. DeeDee Worley, CLE Assistant Director
104 Marietta Street
Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404/527-8710
Fax: 404/527-8711


Attorneys self-report their credits.


30 hours per 3-year period including 3 hours legal ethics. Reporting date: February 1 (credits must be taken by January 1) every 3rd year depending on date of admission. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $40 is required); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Video and audio (phone) seminars can be used for up to 15 credits per reporting period. All credit applications must be filed within 14 days after the seminar.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Annette Strauser, Membership Administrator
Idaho State Bar
PO Box 895
Boise, ID 83701-0895
Phone: 208/334-4500
Fax: 208/334-2764


Attorneys must apply for credit on their own.



36 hours per 3-year period with 6-hour minimum per year including 3 hours ethics every three years. Reporting date: December 31 every third year (sponsor must report within 30 days after program). Only live programs are approved. No more than 12 hours may be in non-legal subject matter courses.  It is best to apply for accreditation at least 30 days before the course.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Julia L. Orzeske, Executive Director
Indiana Commission for CLE
115 W. Washington Street
South Tower 1065
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3417
Phone: 317/232-1943
Fax: 317/233-1442


15 hours per calendar year including 2 hours ethics every 2 years. Reporting date: March 1. Only live programs can be accredited in Iowa.  Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $50 is required); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.

Commission on Continuing Legal Education
Judicial Branch Building
1111 E. Court Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515-348-4670


12 hours per year including 2 hours ethics. Reporting date: June 30. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $25 is required); however, attorneys may apply for credit on their own. All hours may be attended online or in-person. New attorneys are required to take a 12 hour New Lawyer Practical Skills Program, which includes 2 hours of ethics, between their admission to the Bar and their first annual registration period. This will fulfill their CLE requirement for the same period of time.

Kansas CLE
301 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-368-8201


12 hours per year including two hours of ethics.  Reporting date: Deadline is June 30, reporting due by August 10. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (for courses 2 hours or less in length an extra $20 is required; for courses more than two hours duration, an extra $50 is required; $40 or $100 if submitted less than thirty days prior to the course); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Kentucky requires an attorney facilitator available for questions at all seminars, so live and phone seminars will qualify for credit, but most videos will not. Only 6 hours of the annual requirement can be earned at phone or video seminars. New attorneys are required to take a New Lawyer Skills Program, which includes 12 hours of CLE, 2 of which are ethics.

Kentucky Bar Association
514 W. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601-1883
Phone: 502/564-3795
Fax: 502/564-3225


15 hours per year including 1 hour ethics and 1 hour of professional responsibility. Reporting date: Deadline is December 31, reporting due by January 31. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $75 is required); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Live seminars qualify for credit, but Louisiana requires an instructor on site and available for questions, so phone and video seminars may not.

Louisiana State Bar Association
Attn: MCLE Department
601 St. Charles Ave
New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: 800-421-5722


11 hours per year including one hour professional responsibility.  Reporting date:  July 31. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $110 is required); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.  Live seminars qualify for credit; phone and video count as self-study.  Self-study credits are limited to 5.5 per credit year.

Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar
PO Box 527
Augusta, ME 04332
Phone:  207/623-1121


Maryland does not have mandatory or minimum continuing legal education requirements.


Massachusetts does not have mandatory or minimum continuing legal education requirements.


Michigan does not have mandatory or minimum continuing legal education requirements.


Credit applications will need to be submitted by the individual attorney and will therefore not be processed by Virginia CLE.



12 hours per year including 1 hour ethics/professional responsibility. Reporting date: July 31. Live seminars qualify for regular MCLE credit. Mississippi allows no more than 6 hours of credit for electronically transmitted or reproduced seminars.  Applications submitted by a sponsor must be submitted 30 days prior to the seminar.  Applications will not be approved retroactively.  Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($2 per hour per attorney).

Mississippi Commission on CLE
PO Box 249
Jackson, MS 39205-0369
Phone: 601-359-3694


15 hours per year including 3 hours ethics every 3 years. Reporting date: July 31 (end of credit year June 30). Missouri is a self-reporting state and lawyers are responsible for completing and submitting their compliance in an MCLE annual report.

The Missouri Bar
PO Box 119
326 Monroe
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573/638-2233


15 hours per year, including 5 hours ethics every three years. Reporting date: April 1. Live seminars qualify as Interactive credit; phone and video seminars qualify as Other credit. No more than five hours of other credit can be earned in one year. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($60 application fee required).   Attorneys can also self-report their credits.

Montana Board of CLE
PO Box 577
Helena, MT 59624
Phone: 406/442-7660
Fax: 406/442-7763


10 hours of CLE each year, including 2 hours of Ethics.  If an attorney chooses to complete a course from a non-accredited sponsor, the attorney will need to submit a request for CLE credit on their own behalf.

MCLE Attorney Services
5001 Central Park Drive, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68504
Phone: 531-510-3641


13 hours per year including 2 hours ethics and professional conduct and one substance abuse, addictive disorders and/or mental health issues that impair professional competence. Reporting date: December 31. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($30 application fee required for 0.5-2.5 credits, $50 application fee for 3.0-7.5 credits, $50 late submission of course application).

State Bar of Nevada
3100 Charleston Blvd, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-382-2200

New Hampshire

12 hours per year including 2 hours ethics/professional responsibility. Reporting date: May 31).Credit applications will not be processed by Virginia CLE since New Hampshire MCLE Board requires that members evaluate any course attended and use their best judgement to determine if the course meets the purpose and qualification provisions of Rule 53.

New Hampshire Bar Association
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-6942

New Jersey

For courses completed out of state through reciprocity, a completed copy of that state’s attendance form will suffice as certificate of attendance.  New Jersey is a self-reporting state.


New Mexico

12 hours per year including two hours of Ethics. Reporting date: Deadline is December 31.  Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $50 is required); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.

New Mexico MCLE
P.O. Box 93070
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Phone: 505-821-1980

New York

24 hours per 2-year period including 4 hours of ethics; new admittees 16 hours per 2-year period including 3 hours ethics/professionalism, 6 hours skills, 7 hours practice management or substantive areas of practice.  New York requires attorneys to self-certify their credits. To receive New York credit for a course, save a copy of the Virginia MCLE Form 2 that is distributed at all programs, a copy of the program brochure, and a copy of a letter verifying Virginia CLE’s status as an accredited CLE provider in Virginia (which can be picked up on site). Call (1-800-979-8253) or email the Virginia CLE office ( to request the required credit conversion letter and the accredited CLE provider in Virginia letter.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Elise Anne Geltzer, Esq.
Counsel, New York State CLE Board
25 Beaver Street, Room 888
New York, NY 10004
Phone: 212/428-2105 or 877/NYS-4CLE
Fax: 212/428-2974

North Carolina

12 hours per year including 2 hours ethics/professional responsibility or professional liability; 1 hour substance abuse/debilitating mental conditions education every 3 years. Reporting date: February 28.Live, video, and phone seminars are accepted for credit. Virginia CLE is an accredited sponsor.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Kathryn Allen, Assistant Director
Board of CLE
208 Fayetteville Street Mall
PO Box 26148
Raleigh, NC 27611
Phone: 919/733-0123
Fax: 919/821-9168

North Dakota

45 hours per 3-year period including 3 hours of ethics. Reporting date: Deadline is June 30, reports due July 31. Courses approved by the CLE body of another state with CLE are considered presumptively approved for credit. Live seminars are approved for regular credit. Phone and video seminars are considered self-study courses. No more than 15 self-study credits can be earned over a reporting period. Contact the Virginia CLE office at (800) 979-8253 or to get a letter certifying attendance at a seminar, and certifying Virginia CLE’s accredited sponsor status in Virginia.

MCLE Administrator: Ms. Christine Hogan, Secretary-Treasurer
North Dakota CLE Commission
PO Box 2136
Bismarck, ND 58502
Phone: 701/255-1404
Fax: 701/224-1621


24 hours per 2 years including 2.5 hours ethics, professionalism, and substance abuse of which 30 minutes must be on substance abuse, 60 minutes of ethics, and 60 minutes on professionalism. New attorneys have a mandatory 12 hours of new lawyer training within the first calendar year of admission. Reporting date: every 2 years by January 31.Ohio accepts live programs, and will accept video and phone seminars if an expert instructor is present for questions.  Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($25 application fee required).

Continuing Legal Education
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street
5th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-3431
Phone: 614-387-9320


12 hours per year including 1 hour ethics. Reporting date: February 15. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($50 application fee required), however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own. Live and video (video qualifies only if five or more attorneys are present) seminars are approved.

OKMCLE Commission
1901 N. Lincoln Blvd.
P.O. Box 53036
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Phone: 405-416-7009


45 hours per 3-year period including 5 hours legal ethics, 1 mental health/substance use, and 1 abuse reporting credit. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($40 for programs four hours or less; $75 for programs longer than four hours, and $125 for a program more than eight hours long; there is an extra $40 fee for applications received more than 30 days after the course date). Live and video seminars qualify for credit; phone seminars may so long as they are held in a group setting.

Oregon State Bar
P.O. Box 231935
Tigard, OR 97281-1935
Phone: 503-520-0222


12 hours per year including 1 hour ethics. Reporting date: Reporting periods vary by attorney last name at the time of joining the Bar. Pennsylvania requires Virginia CLE to process credit applications for attorneys who take our programs. In addition to the $25 administrative fee, there is a $1.50 per credit hour charge for accrediting courses. Live on site, webcast and telephone seminars can be transferred to PA.

MCLE Administrator: Mr. Dan Levering, Administrator
PA CLE Board
5035 Ritter Rd, Suite 500
PO Box 869
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: 800/497-2253 or 717/795-2139
Fax: 717/795-2120

Rhode Island

10 hours per year including 2 hours ethics. Reporting date: June 30. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($45 course application fee), however, attorneys may apply for credit on their own.  Call 800-979-8253 or e-mail us at if you require a letter that certifies your attendance at a seminar.

MCLE Administrator: Holly Hitchcock, M.Ed., Executive Director,
MCLE Commission
24 Weybosset Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-4942

South Carolina

14 hours per year including 2 hours ethics. Reporting date: January 1. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($75 course application fee), however, attorneys may apply for credit on their own.

Supreme Court of South Carolina
Commission on CLE and Specialization
PO Box 2138, Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 803/799-5578
Fax: 803/799-4118

South Dakota

South Dakota does not have mandatory or minimum continuing legal education requirements.


15 hours per year including 3 hours ethics/professionalism. Tennessee requires Virginia CLE to process credit applications for attorneys who take our programs.  In addition to Virginia CLE’s $25 administrative fee, there is a $2 per credit hour charge.

Tennessee Commission on CLE and Specialization
221 4th Ave N 300
Nashville, TN 37219
Phone: 615/741-3096
Fax: 615/532-2477


15 hours per year including 3 hours ethics/professional responsibility. Reporting date: last day of birth month each year. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($125 extra in applications fees) however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own for live seminars. Attorneys cannot apply for credit on telephone seminars. Phone seminars qualify as interactive participatory credit.

State Bar of Texas
MCLE Department
PO Box 13007, Austin, TX 78711-3007
Phone: 512-427-1806


24 hours per 2-year period plus 3 hours ethics. Reporting date: every 2 years by December 31.Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee: ($25 per application, $1.50 per credit hour per attendee with a cap at $15 per attendee for the $1.50 per hour fee); however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.

Utah State Board of CLE
Utah Law and Justice Center
645 S 200 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3834
Phone: 801-531-9077


20 hours per 2-year period including 2 hours of ethics. Reporting date: every 2 years by July 2.Live seminars qualify for credit; phone and video seminars may also qualify for credit.  Self-study credit is limited to up to 10 hours per reporting period. Applications not received within 30 days after a course will need to include a $50 fee.

MCLE Board, Office of Attorney Licensing
32 Cherry St., Suite 213
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-859-3000


45 hours over 3 years including 6 ethics hours. Reporting date: January 31 every 3rd year. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($100 application fee, $50 fee if not submitted 15 days prior to the seminar) however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.

Washington State Bar Association
MCLE Board
1325 4th Ave., Suite 600
Seattle, WA 98101-2539
Phone: 206-733-5987

West Virginia

24 hours per 2-year period including 3 hours ethics, office management, or substance abuse. Reporting date: (Every 2 years) Deadline is June 30, report due by July 31. Credit applications will be submitted by Virginia CLE for an increased fee ($50 processing fee and $100 application fee) however, attorneys may apply for credit on their own.

West Virginia MCLE Commission
2000 Dietrick Blvd.
Charleston, WV 25311-2204
Phone: 304-553-7220


30 hours per 2-year period including 3 hours ethics. Reporting date: (Every second year) Deadline is December 31, report due by February 1. Virginia CLE is a general program approval provider in Wisconsin. Wisconsin only gives credit for seminars where instructors are available for questions and answers, so live, webcast and phone seminars should qualify for credit, but most video seminars will not. The ethics portion of a course must be continuous and at least an hour long to be accredited as ethics in Wisconsin.

Board of Bar Examiners
110 E Main Street,  Suite 310
Madison, WI 53701
Phone: 608-266-9760


15 hours per year including one hour of ethics and professional responsibility. Newly admitted attorneys must complete a mandatory four hour ethics program. Reporting date: by January 31. Credit applications will be processed by Virginia CLE for an increased fee (an extra $50 application fee is required) however, attorneys can apply for credit on their own.

Wyoming State Bar
PO Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0109
Phone: 307-632-9061

Washington, D.C.

The District of Columbia Bar does not have mandatory or minimum continuing legal education requirements.

Additional Information:

Generally speaking, when attorneys apply for out-of-state credit themselves, they will need to submit a brochure, a biography of the speaker(s) (if not included in the brochure), and for some states, the written materials.

Further questions about out-of-state credit should be directed to Kelly Spruill at, or 800-979-8253.