Happy holidays from Virginia CLE. | Our offices will be closed December 24 – January 1.

Guardian Ad Litem Information

Guardian ad litem (GAL) literally means “guardian for the suit.” A guardian ad litem in Virginia is an attorney appointed by a judge to assist the court in determining the circumstances of a matter before the court.

For complete information about GALs in Virginia, please see the Virginia Supreme Court’s website.

For questions about GALs in Virginia, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretary at 804-786-0165.

Virginia Supreme Court GAL FAQs:
GAL for Children CE Credit Seminars
GAL for Incapacitated Persons CE Credit Seminars

Qualifying Courses

Starting in January 2020, the qualifying courses for becoming a guardian ad litem (for both Children and Incapacitated Persons) are now available to be completed on demand.

These are the training courses you MUST take to qualify as a GAL for Children or as a GAL for Incapacitated Persons in Virginia.

Representation of Children as a Guardian Ad Litem – Qualifying Course
Representation of Incapacitated Persons as a Guardian Ad Litem – Qualifying Course