
Once you have finished a segment, click on the next segment to continue the seminar. If you need to return later to complete this seminar, please make a note of the minutes and vidlength of the segment you are viewing when you leave. You may click on that segment when you return and mouse over the video to bring up the “time bar” to jump to the correct point in the video.

Please note that our system does not track your progress. One-character audio codes are embedded randomly throughout the video segments. Please write these codes down as they are given.

Your MCLE certificate will be dated as of the day you generate it. After viewing all the segments, click the Create an MCLE Certificate link above to create your MCLE certificate. You will need your VSB number and the audio codes given throughout the program. After generating your certificate, you must certify your attendance with the VSB to receive MCLE credit for this seminar.

Course Info

MCLE Credit Instructions:Your MCLE certificate will be dated as of the day you generate it. To receive credit for this course for this credit year, Create an MCLE Certificate prior to the October 31 deadline.

By viewing, listening to, and/or downloading this seminar, you are agreeing to Virginia CLE®’s License Agreement (click to open in new window).

Please note that partial credit is not allowed for On Demand seminars. You must view or listen to all the segments to generate an MCLE certificate for this seminar.

Downloadable Audio Option

The downloadable audio option offers the convenience of downloading the program while connected to the Internet and then listening to one or more segments without the need for an Internet connection. If your bandwidth is limited and the video is frequently pausing, the downloadable audio option can be a helpful alternative, as only limited bandwidth is necessary to download the audio files.

Either option, viewing online or listening to a downloaded file, qualifies for pre-recorded MCLE credit. The embedded codes are identical. You can even begin a seminar in one format (e.g. viewing online) and finish the seminar in the other (listening to the downloaded audio).

If you want to finish a segment in a different format than you started, please be sure to note how many minutes and vidlength you have completed, so that you can fast forward to your current location. Note About Apple Devices: iPhones and iPads typically cannot download audio files for later listening offline. If you would like to listen to the following audio file(s) offline on an iOS device, click here for more information on the Apple website about transfering files to an iPhone or iPad.