LEO: Attorneys Sharing Office Space  LE Op. 413


Attorneys Sharing Office Space.


May 20, 1981


Attorney X represented two children against their mother for

misapplication of estate funds. Attorney Y represented the mother. While

the matter was pending, Attorney X advised that he intended to share

office space with Attorney Y and employ the same secretary. Under these

circumstances, the Legal Ethics Committee is of the view that both clients

would perceive that one law firm represented their opposing interests.

Furthermore, it would be extremely difficult to preserve the confidences

and secrets of each client. While under the circumstances, the Legal

Ethics Committee could not conclude categorically that the conduct was

ethically improper, the Committee did conclude, however, that the better

course of conduct would be for both attorneys to withdraw from the matter.

[See II: DR:4-101 and EC:9-2.]


Committee Opinion May 20, 1981




See also LE Op. 677, LE Op. 799, LE Op. 943, and LE Op. 1416.