The Women and the Law Institute

CLE on Friday, March 21, 8:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. ET (breakfast provided at 8:15), with opening dinner and keynote address on Thursday, March 20

MCLE Credit:6.0 (Ethics: 1.5)
Live-Interactive Credit:6.0 (all formats)
Designation Credit:1.5 Ethics (Designations Information)

Registration Fees

Live on Site:

  • $520* March 20 Opening Dinner & Keynote Plus March 21 CLE
  • $395 March 21 CLE Only
  • $125** March 20 Opening Dinner & Keynote Only (No CLE) – Reserve Here

*Not eligible for Virginia CLE® legal aid or law student discounts.
**Not eligible for any Virginia CLE® discounts, and the elite unlimited pass will not provide a discount for this option.


  • $325 March 21 CLE

University and law students who are not licensed attorneys may request free admission to the webcast or 75% off the $395 live-on-site CLE option by emailing

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