Jury Instructions: Winning Strategies in a Changing Legal Landscape

Tuesday, April 1, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. ET

  • Live on Site at the Virginia CLE® Building
    105 Whitewood Road
    Charlottesville, VA 22901
  • Live Webcast
  • Live Telephone
MCLE Credit: 2.0
Live-Interactive Credit: 2.0 (all formats)
Designation Credit: 2.0 Trial Practice/Litigation (Designations Information)

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Why Attend?

  • Develop strategies to advocate for instructions that frame your case in the best possible light.
  • Learn how to anticipate and counter opposing counsel’s challenges.
  • Understand how to protect your record for appeal by ensuring instructions comply with the law.
  • Get updates on recent Virginia case law on jury instructions.
  • Learn when to use model jury instructions and master arguments to challenge their use when they don’t serve your client’s needs.
  • Explore the art of creating case-specific instructions that reflect the nuances of your facts.
  • Develop strategies for both proffering or resisting non-model instructions.

In the ever-evolving world of jury instructions, precision is key. Recent Virginia Supreme Court decisions from 2024 and January 2025 have introduced new guidance, challenging some traditional practices and reshaping how instructions are crafted and delivered. Are you prepared to navigate this shifting terrain to secure the best outcome for your clients?

Jury instructions are the final roadmap jurors use to decide your case. Missteps can be fatal to your case. Don’t let poor instructions undermine your case—master the art and science of jury instructions and deliver justice for your clients.

Join us for this important CLE and stay ahead of the curve in Virginia’s evolving legal landscape.

Topics to be covered:

  • The Impact of New Case Law:
    • Analyze two recent Virginia Supreme Court cases that could affect how you approach jury instructions.
    • Understand their implications for using model instructions versus tailored ones.
  • Model Instructions: To Use or Not to Use?
    • Learn when to embrace model jury instructions for clarity and consistency.
    • Master arguments to challenge their use when they don’t serve your client’s needs.
  • Crafting Your Own Instructions:
    • Explore the art of creating case-specific instructions that reflect the nuances of your facts.
    • Develop strategies for both proffering or resisting non-model instructions.

Registration Deadlines:


10 minutes prior to seminar. If you register for a webcast the day of the seminar, your e-mail receipt will include a link to launch the seminar and download the materials.


Online registration ends at 11:59 p.m. the day preceding the seminar
Call (800) 979-8253 to register up to one hour prior to the seminar

Live on Site:

Online registration ends at 11:59 p.m. the day preceding the seminar
Walk-in registration is permitted on a space-available basis

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation/transfer requests will be honored until 5:00 p.m. the day preceding the seminar. You will, however, be charged $40 if you cancel or transfer your registration to a different seminar after the link to the materials has been e-mailed by Virginia CLE®.

Full refunds or transfers are available up to two days after a webcast in the unlikely event that you experience technical difficulties.

Dietary Restrictions: If you have dietary restrictions and are attending the seminar in person, please email deanna.mcglothlin@vacle.org.

Inclement Weather Policy and Updates

MCLE Credit Caveat: The MCLE Board measures credits by the time you spend in attendance. If you enter a seminar late or leave it early, or both, you must reflect those adjustments accurately in the credits you report on your credit reporting form. A code will be given at the end of the seminar, which must be written on your MCLE form.

Private recording of this program is prohibited.

Can’t Attend?

E-mail distance_ed@vacle.org to be notified when/if this program is made available as an online or USB seminar.
E-mail publications@vacle.org to be notified when/if this program’s seminar materials are made available for sale.